Consumo da alimentação escolar e qualidade da dieta de escolares


  • Andreia Facchini Nutricionista
  • Paula Dal Bo Campagnolo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Alimentos. Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - UNISINOS



Objective: To investigate the association between the consumption of school meal and nutrient intake and diet quality in schoolchildren from São Leopoldo city. Methods: Cross-sectional study with data based on the children between 7-8 years old. Two 24-hour dietary recalls were made for nutrient intake. The consumption of ultraprocessed foods and the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) were evaluated from this instrument. The children were asked about the origin of the school lunch (es): if taken home, bought in the canteen or the food offered by the school. Results: Data from 313 children were evaluated. 32.6% ate school meal exclusively. Compared to other groups, the one that consumed exclusive school meal had higher fiber intake (p = 0.017), lower consumption of ultraprocessed food and a lower percentage of energy coming from this type of food (p <0.001). The average of HEI score was higher (p = 0.041) and the prevalence of poor diet was lower (p = 0.027) among those who consumed only school meal. Conclusion: The children who ate exclusively school meal had better diet quality, lower consumption of ultraprocessed food and higher fiber intake in relation to those that brought home snack, purchased in the canteen or consumed snacks from more than one source.


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How to Cite

Facchini, A., & Campagnolo, P. D. B. (2020). Consumo da alimentação escolar e qualidade da dieta de escolares. Revista Da Associação Brasileira De Nutrição - RASBRAN, 11(1), 115–127.



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