Types of dyes present in yogurt labels: descriptive exploratory study





Objective: Identify the types of dyes present in yogurts and describe the effects of these compounds on consumer health. Method: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive-observational study in which information was collected from 92 labels of conventional, diet, and light yogurts available in 3 supermarkets in the city of Barbacena, Minas Gerais. The labels were analyzed to identify the dyes present in the ingredient list. Results: Out of the total sample evaluated, corresponding to 12 different brands, 9 dyes were identified, including 5 natural dyes, 2 synthetic dyes identical to natural ones, and 2 artificial dyes. The predominance in the analyzed labels was of natural dyes, with cochineal carmine being the most commonly found (n=42; 45,65%), followed by annatto (n=20; 21,74%). The synthetic dyes identical to natural ones and the artificial dyes were found in smaller quantities, present in 3,26% and 4,35% of the analyzed labels, respectively. Out of the total labels evaluated, 32,61% did not contain this class of food additives. Conclusion: Artificial dyes, when consumed excessively, have raised great concern due to the risks of deleterious effects on consumer health. Consumers are increasingly seeking healthier and more nutritious food options. Therefore, the food industry is increasingly looking for alternatives where synthetic dyes are replaced by natural ones, which provide lower health risks, as described in the results of this study.


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How to Cite

Soares, E., Ferreira, V. ., Silva, R. ., & Pontes, D. . (2024). Types of dyes present in yogurt labels: descriptive exploratory study. Revista Da Associação Brasileira De Nutrição - RASBRAN, 15, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.47320/rasbran.2024.3167



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