Contribuição da dieta e água alcalina na redução de complicações da doença renal crônica


  • Aline Souza Carneiro da Silva
  • Eliane Moreira Vaz Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Professor aposentado



Currently, alkaline nutritional therapy has raised great discussion in the scientific environment as a factor of renal protection. In order to determine the level of scientific evidence on the influence of diet and alkaline water on the reduction of complications in chronic kidney disease, a review of literature was carried out in six databases: BIREME Virtual Health Library (BVS), PubMed , Web of Science (WoS), SCOPUS and Cochrane Library, using the following keywords: alkaline water, chronic kidney disease / chronic kidney insufficiency, alkaline diet, fruit, vegetables, glomerular filtration rate, potential renal acid load. A total of 1071 references were found. Excluding the duplicates and selecting the articles that deal specifically with the theme, it had totalized 34 articles. After selecting the articles and classifying the type of study, the level of scientific evidence of the articles was determined according to Hood. The studies selected by this review consider that alkaline diets based on fruits and vegetables and the administration of bicarbonate can interfere in the complications of Chronic Renal Disease, such as reducing metabolic acidosis and maintaining the glomerular filtration rate, without being able to find the role of alkaline mineral water in this outcome. However, only 27% of the studies presented more than five scientific evidence, on a scale of one to ten, where ten has the highest scientific evidence and one the lowest. These data point us to the need for more studies with better designs, larger samples, without biases and conflicts of interest.


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Author Biography

Eliane Moreira Vaz, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Professor aposentado

Graduação em Nutrição pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, mestrado em Nutrição Humana - Universidad de Chile - Chile e doutorado em Nutrição - Universidad de Granada - Espanha. Professora Adjunto IV, aposentada, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Experiência na área de Nutrição, com ênfase em Nutrição Clínica. Professora e orientadora de monografias do Curso de Especialização em Nutrição Clínica da UFRJ. Participou da diretoria da Associação Brasileira de Nutrição - ASBRAN, no período de 2007 a 2014. Nutricionista Clínica.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. S. C. da, & Vaz, E. M. (2020). Contribuição da dieta e água alcalina na redução de complicações da doença renal crônica. Revista Da Associação Brasileira De Nutrição - RASBRAN, 11(1), 176–191.



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